Uniform & Equipment Photos
Below are some photos to illustrate the basic mountain impression, followed by an Osprey illustration of the Kaserne Wall Locker configuration.
L to R: Stahlhelm (helmet), Bergmutz (Enlisted, NCO mountain cap), Detail of original Reindeer and Edelweiss badge, Early War Officer Bergmutz, Schirmmutz (Service Cap Officer).
L to R: M36 Feldbluse (enlisted), Windjacke (windjacket) Original, Windbluse (anorak) Original
L to R: Heersechemd (service shirt), Wool Gloves, Wool Toque.
L to R: Enlisted Belt, Officer Belt, Braces, Puttees, Gemaschen (gaiters).
L to R: Gas Mask Can, Bread Bag, Mess Kit, Canteen, Y Strap, Equipment/Belt Hooks, Rucksacks & Ice Axe, Piton Hammer. Mess Kit, Canteen, Ice Axe and Piton Hammer are originals. Gebirgsjäger operations in the mountains favored the use of the rucksack over the assault pack. The internal suspender/belt hook configuration (with or without ruck) is seen in original photos almost to the exclusion of the Y strap/assault pack, the the latter is included in this gallery so you have a visual reference.
L to R: K98 ammo pouch w/clip of blanks, K98 bayonet, Steilgrenate, PPK and P08, K98 ammo pouch set.
L to R: Detail of Ski Jager patch on Bergmutz cover, Cover, Steilgrenate case, barracks stool.
Various examples of authentic Bergstieffel (mountain boots).
L to R: Soldbuch, Blanket (repro)
Top Row M43 Keilhosen: intended to replace both the M36 Berghosen which were specialized for Jager troops (the leg attached to the mountain boot), and the M40 Langhosen, which featured a straight leg suited for tucking into a jackboot. These featured a tapered leg, so that it accommodated both the newer low boot introduced to the regular infantry, the mountain boot, and the jackboot.
Middle and Bottom Row are Berghosen. All reproductions.
Middle and Bottom Row are Berghosen. All reproductions.
Below: "Gebirgsfuhrer" Level barracks impression.